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Directory of Australian Edubloggers


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This site is a listing of all known Australian educators who have blogs and/or podcasts. Currently there are 70.


Please leave your details here.


There is a similar site for KiwiEdubloggers.


Suggested format: name; blog name/s; short bio. Please include a nominated location - Hopefully someone will volunteer to set up a click through map! See here for a global edublogger map.


LIPS - Leaders in Public Schools

Roger Pryor - School Education Director - Newcastle - Hunter Central Coast Region - NSW. This blog contains posts which largely relate to the context for delivery of education in the 21st Century, and tries to challenge leaders in schools to take a broad view of planning educational service delivery which may go beyond "School Planning" to "Planning School"


A Teacher's Adventures in Cyberspace

I am a secondary science teacher venturing through the cybercosmos, seeking to stimulate the use web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning. My blog ranges from the obscure (make an IWB from a wiimote) to the essential (how to save youtubes). I blog like a squirrel on crack. (Adelaide, SA)



Fiona Banjer. Early Years teacher who has moved temporarily into the teacher librarian position. I am passionate about the value of providing www and Web2.0 applications into learning experiences. I have almost completed the first subject of my MEd (Technology) - computers of course! I'll go and update my blogs straight away...!


applied learning

Bianca Spence. The purpose of this wiki is to share resources that are relevant and up-to-date for Secondary school teachers. It has been developed primarily as a resource for Victorian teachers and focuses on applied learning and VCAL.



Jess McCulloch, Warrnambool, Vic. I teach LOTE (Chinese) to years P-10 at a small country school in SW Vic. My blog is about integrating more ICT into the language classroom (namely Web 2.0 applications), but also about language teaching and learning in general.


Booked Inn: heroic adventures in teacher-librarianship

Ian McLean, Penrith, NSW. Teacher-librarian at Penrith Public School, and a past editor of Scan professional journal (NSW Department of Education and Training, 1998-2002). Involved with collaborative teaching, ICT, wikis, blogs and book raps.



John Larkin. I am a teacher of History at St Joseph's Catholic High School, Albion Park, NSW. I have been working with technology in education for 15 years. In addition to exploring new ways to integrate technology in the curriculum I have been providing professional development for teachers in the field here in Australia and overseas. I also have a web page about my work and resources for teachers.


And another thing

Sue Tapp. I am a teacher of English in a government High School in Victoria. I am attempting to integrate Web 2.0 in my classroom and to develop a better understanding of the pedagogy and the technology.



Helen Marotta: I work with five schools; one secondary, three primaries and a special school to encourage and support the teachers with using ICT in the classroom. We are experimenting with blogging, Mobile technologies, and movie-making. I don't have my own class this year so this Blog is more a collection of what i am learning as I get around to see what is happening everywhere else.




Westley Field: Skoolaborate is a Virtual Island, Blog and Wiki that allows innovative, creative, cutting edge schools to collaborate with like minded schools world wide. It will be set up in regions each one targeting a vertical breadth of time zones, for example the Asia Pacific time zones (China, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and other interested Asia Pacific countries) or the Americas Time Zones targeting Canada, the USA, Mexico, South America etc. I also have a web page about my work and the work I do at MLC School, Sydney, Australia.


6/7C Blog & Podcast

Michael Cridland: I am a Year 6/7 Teacher at Petrie Terrace State School in Brisbane, and I'm interested in the effective integration of Information and Communication Technology in the classroom to support student learning! This is my students' blogging and podcasting space on the web: Year 6/7 Blog and Podcast! We hope you enjoy reading and listening to our blog and podcasts as much as we enjoy writing and creating them!



21st Century Skills

Mark Collinson: Mullumbimby Northern NSW. What started as a way to document ICT skills achieved by my K-6 students, as well as a means to inform planning has become a way of reflecting upon and discussing issues related to the achievement of higher order thinking skills in the young 21st century citizen.

21st Century Skills


Miller's Spin - Exploring Technology in Education

Alex Miller: This blog has been created to explore ways of using technology & web 2.0 tools in education.I live in Coffs Harbour and work for The North Coast Institute of TAFE NSW.


Learning - Thinking - Playing


Tony Richards: I have created my blog as a way to express my ideas and thoughts on the application of ICT in education and as a way to document my own development as an ICT consultant. Having worked as a primary teacher, ICT advisor, project manager, Network manager, New Media specialist (whatever that means), executive officer and IT Director I have had a lot of very valuable experiences I like change and I like challenges - I also like sharing and developing ideas with like minded people to engage our teachers and students and educate our beaurcartic friends. I am blessed with the ability to think out side the box and to be inventive and this is what I hope I bring to my work as a consultant and professional development provider - We will see.


Digital Stories


Gail Casey: I am a secondary teacher from Geelong High School, Victoria with a passion for global learning and global classroom projects where digital story telling plays a major part. I have worked with many groups of teachers around the world and in 2007 taught ESL in Korea and keeping a blog. I am presently enjoying our class blog in the hope to build social networks into all of my classes. Working and learning together using web2.0 resources leads to a greater need for educators to build critical literacy and creativity into their curriculum, a wiki that I have started to build, with a group of interested educators.



Digital Chalkie


Paul Reid: I'm a teacher in Western Australia integrating ICTs across the curriculum. The purpose of Digital Chalkie is to provide a hub for Australian educators using ICT to engage and facilitate the best educational outcomes for their students. The domain name uses the word ‘chalkie’ as an affectionately defunct Australian term for ICT using teachers. The goal is to establish a hub/magazine/think-tank for teachers to support each other and to collaborate in the use of ICTs and 'web 2.0' tools. All educators are welcome to make posts and to comment on the posts of others. With the help of Brad Hicks we are now doing regular webcasts on topics of interest to the Digital Chalkie hub audience. Again to further these collaborative opportunities, we welcome other edubloggers to participate in the live sessions.




Dave Fagg: I am a History and English teacher at Eaglehawk SC, in Bendigo, Victoria. I am experimenting with mobile technology (phones and mp3s) - in particular, combining field trips with podcasts.


Podkids Australia


Paul Fuller: I am the teacher of a Year 4 / 5 class in Western Australia, and I am passionate about using technology to enhance learning outcomes across the curriculum. Podkids Australia is a podcast that the students write and record themselves. As you will hear in the show, this medium is an incredibly engaging way of encouraging students to write and reflect on their learning. Our latest class project is Albert the Blogging Bear. Albert the Bear travels home with the children from my class, and the students record his adventures in his blog. You can read his blog at www.albertthebear.com. I also maintain the Orange Grove Primary school blog and from time to time record my thoughts in a professional blog entitled Educating the Digital Generation.


21st Century Educator


Brett Moller: I am a young educator interested in the use of technology in the curriculum and the effective development of technology in education programs. I am currently studying my masters of Education in the area of Education Technologies. I run a blog and podcast that you can find at my website.


Mobile Learning


Leonard Low: I am Online Campus Manager at the Canberra Institute of Technology, A.C.T . Representative on the Flexible Learning Framework's E-Standards for Training Experts Group, and previous A.C.T. Toolbox Champion. Designing, developing, delivering and managing flexible learning has given me a broad range of experiences, and particular interests in Mobile Learning and the use of Web 2.0 ("Social Web") tools in education. I have a degree in Computer Science, specialising in Internet Application Development, a diploma in teaching drama, and other qualifications in training and management.


Asynchronous Collaborative Learning Activities


Albert Ip: As stated on my blog intro: "I am a practising learning technologist and advocate of technology for effective pedagogy. I wrote the Fablusi™ software (the online role play simulation platform) and am actively trying to convince people to use this powerful pedegogical strategy. As the executive editor of a print-based E-Learning Australia Magazine, I have a broad interest in e-learning, including Learning Object, Metadata, collaborative learning technologies, SCORM and SCORM courseplayer and other issues in e-learning." I also have several blogs including Random Walk in E-Learning, Learning for 2020, Corporate E-Learning and Conversation With My Evil Twin


An Identity of One's Own


nb: I'm an early career English teacher at a secondary school in regional Victoria. I'm also completing my Master of Arts (Creative Writing) at Monash Uni.




Peter Allen: I've been teaching using technology and flexible learning techniques since 1992. I teach computing subjects at TAFE in South Australia. I'm interested in blended mixed mode learning and technology-enhanced learning. I am an early adoptor of desktop video, and audio. I teach full time, so I don't get much chance to do the conference circuit. :)




Angela Thomas: I lecture in English Education at the University of Sydney. My research interests include identity, feminism, media, digital literature, new literacies and young people online. Some of my publications are here but my ongoing thoughts are dumped on my blog.


TomMarch's ozBlog


Tom March: I've been nurturing the WebQuest since its first days and have developed software like Filamentality and Web-and-Flow. My current interest is to promote ClassAct Portals as a way for all students to engage in Real, Rich & Relevant learning.


Mr P's SMART Board


John Pearce: One Victorian teacher's record of the implementation of a SMART Board Interactive whiteboard into a primary school classroom. For science based links you might like to look in at the Simply Science FURL. If you are interested in science education you might also like my Simply Science site.


The Open Classroom


Jo Mc Leay: I am a teacher of English in a secondary school in Melbourne and completing a Masters of Education by research.


Teach And Learn Online


Leigh Blackall: I teach people how to use the internet for teaching and learning. I live in the Blue Mountains NSW, with my beautiful partner Sunshine and our lovely dogs Mistisa and Black One. I create educational resources including websites, movies and animations, print outs, strategies, and training. You can find out more about my work at leighblackall.wikispaces.org


vlog 3.0 [a blog about vogs]


Adrian Miles: Adrian Miles teaches the theory and practice of hypermedia and interactive video at RMIT University, Australia. He has also been a senior new media researcher in the InterMedia Lab at the University of Bergen, Norway. His academic research on hypertext and networked interactive video has been widely published and his applied digital projects have been exhibited internationally. Adrian's research interests include hypertext and hypermedia, digital poetics, and the use of Deleuzean philosophy in the context of digital poetics. He also explores the affordances of new technologies for networked literacies and the development of new knowledge objects in pedagogy. RMIT City Campus, Melbourne, Australia.


This Teaching life


Scott Bulfin: I'm a teacher/doctoral researcher at Monash University in Melbourne. My research interests include literacies in and out of schools, literacy and technology studies, professional learning, sociocultural theories of education and all the funny things young people do! Stuff like that. More info here or here.





Wax Lyrical


Kate: I am completing a Master of Science, researching blogs and online learning. By day I am an e-learning administrator in Perth.


Bill Kerr


Bill Kerr: Bloggers are writers who are using the next dominant medium, just being digital.


ICT Integration in the Classroom


Mrs C: A collection of thoughts, theories and reflections regarding the use of ICTs in the classroom.


Blog, Blog, Blog


Kylie: I teach basic IT and office skills adult education classes using Ubuntu Linux. I work for Teen Challenge as well as running my own training business and home schooling my teenage daughter.


Southoz E-learning


Vonnie: Exploring the potential of blogs, feeds and podcasting in education. Interested in emerging technologies; Web2.0 tools including social bookmarking for collaboration and professional learning.


Plakboek:Scrapbooking online


Roland Gesthuizen: Learning Technology Coordinator and IT Teacher. Working to support a range of ICT initiatives. leading a team of highly motivated and tallented computer support staff. In charge of a student computer games club and enjoys webcasting, podcasting, blogging and using Moodle. In a previous life was a Research Scientist with ICI Australia. Interested in a swag of issues related to Computers and Education.


Waraku Education


Wara: Ideas, experiments and observations as they occur and I have time relating to teaching and learning in a secondary school - special focus on ICT.


Community Computer Recycle Scheme


Wara: "Community Computer Recycling" is operated by Grant High School to provide free computers (including software and basic training) to community organisations and people in need in our community. Students in the computer technician class gain practical skills through this program. More information at the CCR website.


Teaching Generation Z


Graham Wegner: An Adelaide based Aussie educator involved in technology leadership at his school, always looking to learn and discuss breaking issues. Also contributes to ActivBoarding


Live and let Learn


Michael Nelson: Currently facilitating a web-design class (see Design Websites) at TAFE in the Blue Mountains NSW. Encouraging learners to learn themselves with a mix of blogging/newsfeedsas together with our class activities. I try to reflect on my own learning at Live and let Learn.


Jo Murray


Jo Murray: Jo edits the Knowledge Tree e-journal and mentors in learning object design and e-facilitation through Pelion Consulting. Recent jobs include the E-resources Kit for communities Here's my attempt at a linked click through map of Australian flexible learning blogs which can be edited if you have Cmaps software but this wiki is a MUCH better idea. Let's move on.(Grin).




Mike Seyfang: Mike is program manager for this interesting new venture. We will try to help kids through recognition of their vocational skills. Early days yet - to follow our progress subscribe to LearnDogPup Blog.


Jason Plunkett


Jason Plunkett: An ongoing conversation about the various aspects of eLearning, issues new technologies and the impacts these have as they are incorporated into the classroom.


Fatima's Teaching Lab


Fatima Measham maintains a chronicle of her journey as a novice secondary educator in Victoria, for the purposes of reflection, improvement, and the preservation of sanity. And to give more experienced teachers a laugh and a sense of nostalgia.


teaching and learning


Warrick Wynne: I am Director of Learning and Curriculum in an independent girls school in Victoria, teaching Senior English and interested in the effective utilisation of technologies in learning, esp. tablet pcs, blogs, podcasts and all things Web 2.0.




Brad Hicks and Kelly Anderson: We are high school teachers in Western Australia, teaching Business and Computing and English respectively. We are interested in trying Web 2.0 technologies as tools for student learning. We are documenting our experiences to help others and hopefully also gain some input from those who are already using these technologies.


PD Spot


Garry Chapman: I am Assistant Director of Curriculum at an independent co-educational school in Melbourne. Most of my work involves support for curriculum development in the middle years, from upper primary to lower secondary. Our students have their own notebook computers. I have set up this blog to document and share some of the things I have been doing with teachers and students.




Jill Ball: A novice blogger, I am the Head of Information Services at an independent co-educational school in Sydney. My blog records resources used in my personal learning journey, provides links to news items and lists resources of interest to other Teacher Librarians in Australian Schools.


head first in at the deep end


Hg: My blog contains collected ramblings on my great leap into teaching... After an exciting education, provided by both university and the world at large, I decided I might just be grown up enough to teach... I finished my dip ed in secondary school science and health and now find myself in outer suburban Melbourne teaching disabled 6 year olds in the primary area of a specical school!


Technology in the English Classroom

8 Orange 06


CDQ: I am a Drama, English, and Entertainment Teacher in a NSW secondary school. My blog is a page my students visit to get weekly, and sometimes daily tasks. Mainly for creative writing, and exploring different text types. Each student has a companion blog on learnerblogs.org. The first site is for my 2 classes I see once a fortnight, and the second site is for my full load of Yr 8 who are desperate to be "blogging".some information and tasks are doubled.


Holistic and Integral Education


Roger Stack: Teaching in Hobart, Tasmania - Yr 11/12 VET IT, Journalism. Management roles in Curriculum, ICT, Holistic Education Network Tasmania (HENT).


Flexible Learning and Educational Design


Marg O'Connell: Reflections from an educational designer, based in Canberra ACT, on flexible learning and educational design in a changing world.




Greg Restall: An academic in the Philosophy Department at the University of Melbourne. This site is my personal blog, with sketches of ideas, drafts of papers, pointers to published research, and links to online resources for my teaching.


(Re)writing English


Mark Howie: Critical reflections on public commentary about the teaching of English and literacy. I am a secondary English teacher from Sydney, NSW.


English Stories


This Blog has been created to provide a central collection of the public stories that are told about the subject English. It will hopefully serve as a reference point for anyone interested in keeping up to date with the stories that are being published and publicised, as well as provide a space for people to comment on the stories and contribute to strengthening the support for a vibrant, relevant and inclusive English curriculum.


heyjude - Making fortunate discoveries


Judy O'Connell: As an educator and information professional I am fascinated by emerging technologies, the development of Web 2.0, and what this all means for schools and school libraries. This blog was created specifically to engage in reflection, learning and social networking. Currently I am an Education Officer with Catholic Education, working with 55 primary and 22 secondary schools in the Western region of Sydney. I am also Vice-President (Association Relations) of IASL, the International Association of School Librarianship.


Bibliosphere News


Judy O'Connell: This blog is about news, views and events for school libraries. Though its main audience is Teacher Librarians, Catholic Education, Parramatta Diocese, it also provides information and ideas about learning and teaching in a knowledge society that is relevant to TLs and literacy educators anywhere in Australia.


Al Upton and the miniLegends


Al Upton: This is my class blog. A multi purpose blog - class use, Game Maker resources, blog resource and development. I'm a teacher at Glenelg School (Adelaide, South Australia) with a passion for professional learning, computer games in education and exploring the role of emerging technologies in education. My focus is catering to busy teachers with time commitments, crowded curricula and often elusive lives of their own. The miniLegends are Year 3 students ~ 8 and 9 year olds. Look for their blogs amongst the meerkats in the image header. Other links -'Our Game Maker Resources' and 'Our Classroom Environment'




Al Upton: This is my blog for educational dialogue. Currently being used to record and comment on workshops and conferences I attend and present at. I'm looking to make more contributions to the edublogosphere. Will also use this blog to compare wordpress.com and edublogs.org and for class use where needed eg RockYou



Computers and 21st Century Eduk8n


Joseph Papaleo: "papajo" I am an IT and Mathematics teacher in Melbourne. I haven't been blogging long, but have been using private wikis in my classrooms. I am interested in bringing technolgy into my classroom and write about my ideas on my blog. I hope to turn as many of these into reality in the near future. My podcast site is at: Joseph's podcast



Wellbeing Wonderland


Lynette Corletto: This blog is a chronicle of the development of my understanding around wellbeing and adolescence as I endeavour to support the teenagers I work with in my role of Student Counsellor.



Our Class 2007


Rosa Ochoa: I teach English as a Second Language at St George TAFE, Sydney, Australia. I’ve got a class blog, Our Class 2007 (with links to my previous class blogs, like Our Class 2006), where I set weekly work for my students, a podcasting blog, Sydney’s People Podcast, where I post interviews with people from Sydney as listening practice for my class, and Let’s Talk, a podomatic blog where I publish podcasts recorded by my students and where we conduct p2p exchanges (facilitated by dekita) with students from o’seas. We are also learning photostory making and we keep a wiki with students from Liverpool TAFE, which they love!




This blog is set up as an aid to my personal reflection as I start out a teaching career in country Victoria. I am an English and SOSE teacher, and teach classes at year 7, 10 and 11. I am interested in utilising the growing blogging/podcasting/wiki-ing community to bring some of these tools into my classroom.


first person, secondhand, third dimension


Linda Shardlow: I teach mathematics at a secondary school in Melbourne. I am interested in discussing and reflecting on curriculum approaches to the teaching of mathematics, my own practice and that of others in order to provide learning experiences that engender authentic thinking and deep understanding of concepts in my students.


My Other Blog


Hi, my name’s John Pearce and I teach at a primary school in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. My Other Blog is where I will put my musings and links related to the use of ICT especially related to blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS, Skype, Social Bookmarking and other related technologies.


Web 2 Wanderings


I invite you to visit my blog, which is my exploration of Web2.0 and its application in educating high school students, especially in HSIE (SOSE). I am studying for a Masters in Education and felt the best way to learn about the many web tools now available to our youth was to try them out myself. My only problem is that I spend so much time exploring that I don't have much time to blog! Karen Mann Mid North Coast NSW


Videoconference Tips & Techniques


This is a blog with all sorts of information about videoconferencing - mostly about its use in education. I'm Carol Daunt Skyring from LearnTel & I work with teachers & lecturers in how to teach effectively using videoconferencing. I post regularly with tips, resources and events about videoconferencing. I'm in Brisbane, Queensland.




Hi, my name's Mark Pilson and I teach English and SOSE to students in the Middle Years, as well as being the Literacy Coordinator. I teach at a secondary school in Melbourne, Victoria.  I use  IWBs extensively in my class and my blog is a series of reflections about the classroom and various PDs I have attended.



Mobile Technology in TAFE web sites


Mobile Technology in TAFE blog


Mobile Technology in TAFE wiki

Mobile Technology in TAFE podcasts

My name is Sue Waters and I have been sharing my experiences with Web 2.0, e-learning and m-learning (mobile learning) since early 2006 through my Mobile Technology in TAFE web sites.



Russel Montgomery




I teach middle school maths in Perth Western Australia

I am a disruptive innovator and at the moment I am a digital pioneer (warrior/champion/fool) at my school.

I created braindump as a split off from the blog I was using to keep parents informed about activities at school. Colleagues were unhappy with me doing a brain dump with parents. They felt it needed to be more professional. So I created braindump to pour my thoughts into. As it has turned out, I am now lobbying intensely for e-learning in my school so I am not using it so much as a braindump but as a lobbying tool. I still keep my parents blog at heymrmont. Of course having to divide my attention between the two blogs means that I don't keep either as well as I would like. But I'll get there. If you are interested, I also keep a personal blog that has a mixture of stuff including some stuff about e-learing at pilgrimage.



Thinking 2.0


My name is Cindy Barnsley and I teach English and Modern History (years 9-12) at a boys' school in NSW.





Pat Wagner. Through the Australian-owned educational consultancy company A.U.S.S.I.E., I have developed a partnership with a Bronx middle school. I work with them to coordinate not only their professional development, but also aspects of school improvement. I work mostly from my home in Queensland and then visit the school three times a year. The online work is going incredibly well. You can see the results on the Celebrations Pages - http://celebrating339.blogspot.com - showing what we've been up to in the first half of the American school year.



ejourneys with generation Y


Hi I am Anne Mirtschin and I teach Information and Communications Technology to years 5-12 at Hawkesdale P12 College. I am passionate about using the emerging technologies, particularly web2.0 to enhance learning outcomes for my students in all subject areas. My favourite applications include podcasting, digital storytelling, digital moviemaking, (I am murch on teachertube), being involved in global projects and videoconferencing with skype. I have several blogs: one on my ejourneys, my globalteacher work and my students backyards My wiki


Exploring educational technologies in Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Cafechat's weblog

Simon Brown in Brisbane, managing apprentices who are learning stonemasonry skills at SkillsTech Australia. Using YouTube, Ning, Twitter, Flickr and del.icio.us with my students. Started Cafechat with a group of friends after Alan Levine visited Brisbane, reflecting on our multi media adventures as Nema Szondi in Second Life.




Primary teacher-librarian with a blog focussing mainly on children's literature and primary library but also exploring Web 2.0.

(couldn't get my URL to link using the link button above *sigh*)


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